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RT226-E4 - Hexa Controls
Mechanical Fan Coil Thermostat

Fan coil thermostat, 3 speed fan control, 2/4 pipe, heat/cool mode, thermostatic fan and On/Off valve control, surface mounting

List Price: 20.00 USD
55% Off Price: 9.00 USD
Net Price: 316.60 TL

RAB11 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 pipes systems heating/cooling, 230V ACsi, 8-30°C control, surface mounting model

List Price: 36.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 16.56 EUR
Net Price: 605.04 TL

RAB31 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 4 pipes systems heating/cooling, 230V ACsi, 8-30°C control, surface mounting model

List Price: 42.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 19.32 EUR
Net Price: 705.89 TL

RT226-E2 - Hexa Controls
Mechanical Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 pipes systems heating/cooling, Thermostatatic fan and On/Off actuator control, surface mounting

List Price: 35.00 USD
50% Off Price: 17.50 USD
Net Price: 615.61 TL

RT226-E3 - Hexa Controls
Mechanical Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 pipes systems heating/cooling, Thermostatatic fan and On/Off actuator control, surface mounting

List Price: 20.00 USD
50% Off Price: 10.00 USD
Net Price: 351.78 TL

AX527 - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

2 piece modulating output (0~10V DC), On/Off control, 3 speed fan control, 24V AC, surface mounting model

List Price: 94.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 47.00 EUR
Net Price: 1,717.22 TL

AXCU22-W - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 and 4 pipes systems heating/cooling auto selection, electric heating control, surface mounting model

List Price: 86.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 43.00 EUR
Net Price: 1,571.07 TL

AX536 - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

2 piece modulating output (0~10V DC), electric heating control, 24V AC, surface mounting model

List Price: 112.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 56.00 EUR
Net Price: 2,046.04 TL

AX537 - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

2 piece modulating output (0~10V DC), electric heating control, 3 speed fan control, 24V AC, surface mounting model

List Price: 124.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 62.00 EUR
Net Price: 2,265.26 TL

AX526 - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

Fan coil room thermostat, 2 piece modulating output (0~10V DC), 24V AC, surface mounting model

List Price: 86.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 43.00 EUR
Net Price: 1,571.07 TL

AXCU22-WMB - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

Modbus, 3 speed fan control, for 2 and 4 pipes systems heating/cooling auto selection, electric heating control, surface mounting model

List Price: 108.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 54.00 EUR
Net Price: 1,972.97 TL

AX236 - IsmaControlli
Fan coil Room Thermostat

On/Off control, 3 speed fan control, surface mounting model

List Price: 40.00 EUR
50% Off Price: 20.00 EUR
Net Price: 730.73 TL

RCU61.1 - Siemens
VAV and CAV Thermostat

VAV and CAV room thermostat, 0-10V DC output cooling, On/Off output heating

RAB10.1 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

FCU room thermostat, 2 pipes systems, 3 speed fan control, heating/cooling mode

RCC10 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

FCU room thermostat, 2 pipes systems, heating and cooling mode, 3 speed fan control,

List Price: 96.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 44.16 EUR
Net Price: 1,613.45 TL

RCC30 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

FCU room thermostat, 4 pipes systems, heating and cooling mode, 3 speed fan control,

List Price: 104.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 47.84 EUR
Net Price: 1,747.91 TL

RCC20 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

FCU room thermostat, 2 pipes systems electric heatinglı, heating and cooling mode, 3 speed fan control,

List Price: 104.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 47.84 EUR
Net Price: 1,747.91 TL

RAB21 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 pipes systems heating/cooling, 230V ACsi, 8-30°C control, with door/window switch for energy saving mode, surface mounting model

List Price: 39.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 17.94 EUR
Net Price: 655.46 TL

RAB11.1 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed fan control, for 2 pipes systems heating/cooling, 230V ACsi, 8-30°C control, surface mounting model

List Price: 44.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 20.24 EUR
Net Price: 739.50 TL

RAB31.1 - Siemens
Fan Coil Thermostat

3 speed and auto fan control, for 4 pipes systems heating/cooling, 230V ACsi, 8-30°C control, surface mounting model

List Price: 46.00 EUR
54% Off Price: 21.16 EUR
Net Price: 773.11 TL
Total of 20 products are displayed.
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