DCM06 - Honeywell
Liquid Pressure Switch
Sıvılar İçin Basınç Anahtarı, 0.1-0.6bar, hysteresis 0.04bar, max. çalışma basıncı 6bar
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DCM06 - Honeywell
Liquid Pressure Switch
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Sıvılar İçin Basınç Anahtarı, 0.1-0.6bar, hysteresis 0.04bar, max. çalışma basıncı 6bar
Warranty :This product is under warranty for 2 years against manufacturing and material defects from the date of invoice. The invoice for the products also stands in place of the warranty certificate, a separate document is not issued.Delivery Information :The stock quantity information reported in the product details is up to date. Products in stock can be shipped immediately. Products that are not in stock and whose delivery time is separately reported are shipped when the supply period is completed.
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