RAK-ST.1385M - Siemens
Güvenlik İçin Sıcaklık Limitleyici
Safety limit thermostat, 40...70 °C, capillary length 700 mm
RAK-ST.030FP-M - Siemens
Güvenlik İçin Sıcaklık Limitleyici
Safety temperature limiter fixed 110 °C, pocket 100 mm, capillary 700 mm
RAK-ST.020FP-M - Siemens
Güvenlik İçin Sıcaklık Limitleyici
Safety temperature limiter fixed 100 °C, pocket 100 mm, capillary 700 mm
RAK-H-M - Siemens
Klamens Kutusu
Terminal housing
RAA31.26 - Siemens
Yerden Isıtma Sistemleri Oda Termostatı
Electromechanical room thermostat with on/off switch and LED, auxillary switch and LED
RAA11 - Siemens
Kombiler ve Yerden Isıtmalar İçin Oda Thermostatı
Electromechanical room thermostat, public sector model
QXA2101 - Siemens
Yoğuşma Sensörü
Condensation monitor with remote sensor head (cable length 1 m)
QVE3100.025 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 25 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE3100.020 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 20 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE3100.015 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 15 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE3100.010 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 10 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE3001 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
QVE3001 Flow Sensor
QVE3000.025 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 25 pipes, DC Output: 0...10 V
QVE3000.020 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 20 pipes, DC Output: 0...10 V
QVE3000.015 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 15 pipes, DC Output: 0...10 V
QVE3000.010 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from red brass for liquids in DN 10 pipes, DC Output: 0...10 V
QVE2100.025 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from fiber-glass reinforced plastic for liquids in DN 25 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE2100.020 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from fiber-glass reinforced plastic for liquids in DN 20 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE2100.015 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from fiber-glass reinforced plastic for liquids in DN 15 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA
QVE2100.010 - Siemens
Sıvılar İçin Akış Sensörü
Flow sensor made from fiber-glass reinforced plastic for liquids in DN 10 pipes, DC Output: 4...20 mA