Greystone marka ürünlerinin Türkiye satışını Kontrolyum Otomasyon Sistemleri olarak gerçekleştirmekteyiz. Tüm Greystone ürünleri adresinde indirimli fiyatlar satışa sunulmaktadır.
CO-FAC-CAL - Greystone
Fabrika Kalibrasyonu
CO factory calibration
CO2-NIST - Greystone
Kalibrasyon ve Sertifika
NIST Calibration and Certificate for CO2 model only
CO2-FAC-CAL - Greystone
Fabrika Kalibrasyonu
CO2 factory calibration
CO2/TEMP-NIST - Greystone
Kalibrasyon ve Sertifika
NIST Calibration and Certificate for CO2 and temperature model
CO2/T/RH-NIST - Greystone
Kalibrasyon ve Sertifika
NIST Calibration and Certificate for CO2, temperature and RH model
CO BUMP KIT - Greystone
Test Kiti
Carbon monoxide sensor test kit
CMD-CALPCB-5B5 - Greystone
PCB Board
Calibrated CO PCB for duct
CMD-CALPCB-5B4 - Greystone
PCB Board
Calibrated CO PCB for space
CMD5B5110-MOD - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, Two Relays, Modbus Communication
CMD5B5110-BAC - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, Two Relays, BACNet Communications
CMD5B5110 - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, Two Relays, No Communication
CMD5B5100-MOD - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, One Relay, Modbus Communication
CMD5B5100-BAC - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, One Relay, BACNet Communications
CMD5B5100 - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, One Relay, No Communication
CMD5B5000-MOD - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, No relay, Modbus Communication
CMD5B5000-BAC - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, No relay, BACNet Communications
CMD5B5000 - Greystone
Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Carbon Monoxide Detector, Duct ABS, No relay, No Communication
CMD5B1100010 - Greystone
Mahal Tip Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Wall/Surface Mount Carbon Monoxide Detector, With Relay (Not available with Modbus Communications), 0-10Vdc out put
CMD5B1000-MOD - Greystone
Mahal Tip Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Wall/Surface Mount Carbon Monoxide Detector, No Relay, Modbus Communications
CMD5B1000010 - Greystone
Mahal Tip Karbonmonoksit Dedektörü
Wall/Surface Mount Carbon Monoxide Detector, No Relay, 0-10Vdc out put